Sunday, May 31, 2009

i hope its summer

holla summer !

i cant wait any longer to took a vacation,
please..i missin sand and that brown skin with my friends around
and the prospect of a long day at the beach makes me panic.
there is no harder work i can think off to somewhere pleasant
when im forced to stay for hours and have fun.
hemm .

but really sorry now i trraped in my short course.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

hand in hand

you and me. hand in hand.
we're not find something necessary to be asshamed.
but all in favor to keep each other

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

green grass

the sky is blue
the sound was so loud

This is the place where's the charity night to pak aru was held at bumi sangkuriang. i arrived with my boyfriend there before time making this crowd. i love the place. this is wheres the grass so green and match with big stage.and the tree welcoming us as the good morning kiss after finish my tired course. hmm. i hope i took my wedding here someday (buahahaha, 21 years old grlsss?maybe i've tried smell the dew, and called my destiny after,spell some superb formula,adding magic to a guy i've found in my back.. i've been named myself soothsayer) hmm.who's the lucky one? ahahhahah

Mimpi-mimpi domo

menurut jalan cerita yang seharusnya, domo-kun berbentuk monster kecil nan imut juga sedikit garang.tapi karena salah asuhan.hmm,kado jg dari si noe dan si ade, yg ada bakterinya jd membesar gini..ini sih aku jg muat masuk ke dalem tas

Ulang tahun di hari minggu benerbener ulang tahun yang santai.inget jaman dulu sma setiap ulang tahun pulang2 badan harus penuh sama tepung dan telor, anak sma memang masih banyak noraknya..mungkin anak sma jaman dulu masih terpengaruh film2 India , yang biasanya waktu ada perayaan besar lempar2an tepung sambil joged2 gitu.Tapi ulang taun yang ke (errr..awrite) 21(oh no) ini rasanya lebih santai,mngkin org dewasa lbh jaim kali ya, ga ada lg dilempar2 tepung, yaa mungkin surprais jam 12 malem nyanyi ulang taun, langsung tidur lagi sambil mulut masih penuh krim dari kue tart. tetep sih, ulang tahun itu menyenangkan (weiii).

tadi baru baca buku yg judulnya "Mimpi- mimpi Einstein" di perpus..katanya waktu itu kayak lingkaran, selalu terjadi sama dan sudah pernah terjadi sebelumnya ,jadi tindakan kita sekarang cuma ngulangin waktu-waktu yang kemaren. Ha?bener gitu. agak gak ngerti juga sama jalan pikiran si einstein. tapi megingat yang paling sederhananya, kata "ULANG TAHUN" pasti dari kalimatnya juga jelastahun yang diulang, terulang, wtf.
hii takut, apa kita bakal mengulang terus kejadian kemaren?kesalahan kemarin?padahal manusia udah dikasih akal untuk belajar?(wedeiii sok ngerti)
hmm. tapi setelah pergulatan yang cukup panjang dengan buku perpus itu, ternyata disimpulkan einstein punya banyak dimensi dan pengertian soal waktu, doi bilang, waktu terus mengulang kejadian yang sama..dan ternyata aku juga ngerasain hal yang sama dari buku itu sendiri..buku itu ngulang2 konsep trus, dan ga memberi kepastian (apa akunya yang kelewat payah) yang jelas, dengan waktu setengah isi buku, mata udah sukses berkunang-kunang trus tangan juga napsu ngebuka- buka halaman selanjutnya dan ngelewatin banyak paragraf yang kayanya isinya sama- sama aja. hahah, kasian ya aku.
tapi justru disitu ternyata esensi si buku, selain bilang waktu seperti lingkaran, si buku juga bilang waktu punya dimensi ruang yang ga hanya di selesaikan 1 arah aja. maksudnya, ga semua aktifitas dilakukan dengan menyelesaikan hanya 1 pilihan. tapi banyak pilihan. dan itu terjadi dalam waktu yang bersamaan. keputusan- keputusan yang berbeda, yang setiap geraknya bakal mempengaruhi masa depan.
misalnya aku yang memutuskan mengambil buku, kalo waktu itu ga memutuskan ngambil buku itu, pasti aku bakal ga tau soal cerita yang dipaparin diatas, dan ga akan nulis blog ini. kalo ga nulis blog ini aku bakal tidur dan bangun kesiangan. mungkin.atau aku ambil buku itu, baca, trus jadi pinter, trus menghasilkan karya tulis yang ga jauh beda sama relativitas einstein (hahahha..1 lagi anggota srimulat..ngarep). atau ya pilihan aku sekarang, waaupun bukunya diambil, aku gak ngehasilin karya yang super hebat cuma blog go blog aneh ini. Dan hebatnya menurut si buku semua kemungkinan itu telah terjadi dalam waktu yang bersamaan.
Apa mungkin?
tapi coba deh dipikir lagi selain kemungkinan yang tiak mungkin adalah memakan kepala sendiri, bener lho.dunia ini kan luas, kuman di ujung jari aja bisa ratusan ribu lebih, kenapa ga mungkin segala kemungkinan terjadi dalam waktu yang serempak, detik yang sama.hanya kemungkinan yang dilakukan adalah hasil pengulangan kemungkinan yang lebih dulu dijalanin.
Hmm, jadi buat apa takut, klo pada akhirnya kita tahu hidup itu mengulang?
mungkin aku bakal ke perpus lagi, baca isinya cuma setengah lagi dan tidak mengerti lagi.
tapi mungkin ada yang belum selesai aku baca dari buku itu..ketika kejadian sama mengulang lagi, atau keika kemungkinan- kemungkinan lain serempak terjadi dalam waktu yang sama. semua usaha bakal berujung pada takdir. Sekeras apa kita menolak. takdir pasti bakal ngebuka jalannya sendiri.

hemm . sama kaya ulang tahun ke 21 ini.
sama kaya domo-kun, bakteri yang udah ditakdirkan jadi jodoh aku sejak noe dan ade milih dia jadi kado. mungkin diwaktu yang sama domo-kun ga dibeli dan dia ga akan ketemu aku, tapi waktu memberikan takdir perhitungannya sendiri buat maju disaat yang tepat. disaat tas besar an pan man sudah rusak. disaat ternyata domo-kun paling cocok ada di tangan aku.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ruin my everyday

from my messy room

meet my friends with avocado

just need my couple of analouge

low music low life

terminated next journey

hallo world. my everyday so busy with happy
i'm collecting street's name
as pulled out bitter taste of fear at supper

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dont you cool enough to consume ?

this is my boyfriend he looks cute when his mad (haha)

On the previous two day before, my boyfriend gave me a song from lilly allen, sounds weird if he’s known as the deathmetal monster (ha !), then currently listen to nice well dressed pony tail girl like lilly. But ya, he actually have a million millions surprisingly atittude i’ll never worked to guess it. But the main point wasn’t my boyfriend, but the song of lilly which he gave to me. It started from our convo with ‘hardly believed to bite’ pempek palembang. In the middle of we try to finish our dinner which more like an eraser than pempek, I was remember one of Malaysian blog I visited last week. Those teenage girl called herself as fashionista for the rest of her life, I now, sometimes cool to look someone express their imagination by mix some cute dress, than so do I , sometimes doin it. But , can you imagine when she started to never stop shopping and wasted her own time everyday by thingking what was the next clothes should I buy to look great?

Makes me disturbing rapidly (haha) .

With related song I told, the song sounds awesome, and whats makes me really provoke then is the lyrics, the topic is about the fear. Maybe lilly as corny as me to see many people die to buy some ass branded blazer or nudie jeans (haha) to take an attention more and more from people. Whats the real purpose of consumption basicly?

im not mad at all, just act like i mad :p yerr posser !

I’ve been doing my take home test bout’ critical to capitalist system and beyond of its critics. Marx as the fathers of capitalism ownself told that the purpose of production to satisfy basic needs of human. Then, when factory and service sealed for their product, so they thingking how to get as much as they can target consumption.And , therefore they are, People tend to follow mainstream way of “what people say” system (hahah, new emerging theory I thought! By me :p). They not consume their basic needs as the purpose before again ! but their consume to get some confession from people and looks “pheew”.

Ya, like a competition I thought when one day I come to a pop gigs, then the folks coming so up to the maxi, and the silly I’ve been realized, every lil time she/he passed some crowded they eyes look proudly to be”hey look what I wore, and Im one of attittude cool chicks to listening this indie music”. Haha. Ironicly, they don’t sing along when the band’s coming, but busy to stay as cool as they look , and hardly keep they hair not swept by the wind that night. So pitty to remember that on glastonburry, woodstock or some big festival abroad even the lil’gigs, people are mixing together and don’t care about they wore, with many stand of make trade fair by chris martin maybe, they proudly to join’em, not to act to be seen.

the real mad ms. lilly

But people nowadays, many seen like as consumption slave. Like lilly said on her song..

I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don’t care about clever I don’t care about funny
I want loads of clothes and i want fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

And i’ll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
Cuz everyone knows that’s how you get famous
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah I’m on to a winner

I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear

Life’s about film stars and less about mothers
It’s all about fast cars concussing each other
But it doesn’t matter cause I’m packing plastic
and that’s what makes my life so fucking fantastic

And I am a weapon of massive consumption
And its not my fault it’s how I’m programmed to function
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah we're on to a winner

Forget about guns and forget ammunition
Cause I’m killing them all on my own little mission
Now I’m not a saint but I’m not a sinner
Now everything's cool as long as I’m gettin thinner

chill people, im too bad to mad, maybe i same with bunch of you, maybe i still shop for clothes or talked about hair style, but dont you feel worse enough when bring your mac make up and talked about what was up in ur blackberry nowadays while million peoples died for rice ?
our life too lovable to spend with all
thing. thing. and thing.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

smelly sneakers and pink boots convo

bulb. my heart goes shake

fashion junk : Could you give me directions to happily ever after land?
miss.sunshine : yerr, sorry but who are you?
fashion junk : I'm no one just the most adorable person in every well done magazine
miss.sunshine : maybe we will ended on different station
fashion junk : i dont understand, but we stand on same terminal rite now
miss sunshine : yea, but we bought different ticket, dont you understand
fashion junk : so, do you ended on happily ever after land miss?
miss.sunshine : i dont know , but bright people ended everywhere
fashion junk : But in happily ever after land you couldnt show your smelly sneakers, i dont wanting it happened with my boots
miss.sunshine : stranger, do you really care with what i wore?
fashion junk : No, but i actually care with mostly people talked about my fabulous boots
miss.sunshine : but im actually not even care with people act like bullshit pink boots like you
fashion junk : em..sorry
miss.sunshine : happily ever after land in next station i thought, if you interest to go there be sure take off all ur weapon of mass consumption