hulla pops ! everyday seems tiring nowadays. climate change making shiny bright sun burning my head a lot,before suddenly rain drops falling above my black hair which still feeling hot by those sunshine about minutes. Then here we are, ended on the kitchen after back walking from "oh no, i cant buy that book so expensive"book store.
wink..we'll made super yoghurt strawberry meet orange jelly cheese and milk soda cheese strawberry (well, tiring name, ahah, the second actually just unused substance frm the first)
then again again..all u need are strawberry yoghurt and ice strawberry yoghurt,cheese ,orange jelly and of course your partner ( having ari to mixing all ice so my hands free for capt all pict ahahahh im the masterrr ), uh oh..also dont forget u need looovveee ;D
wink..we'll made super yoghurt strawberry meet orange jelly cheese and milk soda cheese strawberry (well, tiring name, ahah, the second actually just unused substance frm the first)
then again again..all u need are strawberry yoghurt and ice strawberry yoghurt,cheese ,orange jelly and of course your partner ( having ari to mixing all ice so my hands free for capt all pict ahahahh im the masterrr ), uh oh..also dont forget u need looovveee ;D

adding soda water to your next recipe..we're not plan it, just looking around that still so much rest of strawberry , fresh milk , and soda, so we do pour it again inside. when we taste it not good enough, adding sugar and cheese are sensible :p too yum yum
and so lucky u've got hippies flower and bear head on your cup.
kinda cool if what you've done with ur strawberry
if i may give those yummy cocktail..
what would be the best is sweetkissessouceofstrawberry
ribet deh ah si dhea ni.
seems that u were gaining ur creativity recently
and that's enjoyable to be seen!
Kinda cool OF what you've done with your straw...
HAHA NICE REVISE dhejih, u made me rmember mas ari for MPS,REVISI AHAHAH
ada yg mirip gtu trnyata sm resep ini, menu di rumah moyang namanya amore tp gapake yghrt dan jelly, strawberry cheese juice doang, ttp enakan yg aku.ahah
i'll give for ur brthday ! :D
ih aul.. enak gtu ul? yogurt pake keju? aw.. ga kebayang.. tp pengen coba.. bikinin lah ul..
tp ini aktifitas teroke nih..
ahhhhhhhhh, pengen nyoba bikin2an kaya gini ahh jadinyaaa...
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