HEYYY DARRLL..its been a week.. yerr, a couple of week i tot, im not post my blog since ive happily trip to many little town around Bandung for 3days, Cianjur, Ciwidey and Garut hmm. and now on, im in wonderful good mood to post something i liked on my page gaiinnn. ya, what im liking to?making something flattering my eyes ,my hand and my brain also. crafting please..
its about a long long day and hard week im not pushing my hand doing something again, and for the reason of summer, i was like"ur not productive, what ure doin 21 old girls..making something please, yayaya..the beginning is always today". ok, its all because merciful deep of my heart (hahah) i'll share you what i made about 3months ago (hemm, seems im not ready making somethin nowadays fuhh..i post my old project.
heheh,dont worry may its verry useful thing to wear for 3days different clothes, im gonna leave you pattern of my felt project.these back and forth felt brooch, just sew it simple, patch by safety pin..here's the pattern mix with my favorite simply useful black loose (its very easy to sew ownself)
its about a long long day and hard week im not pushing my hand doing something again, and for the reason of summer, i was like"ur not productive, what ure doin 21 old girls..making something please, yayaya..the beginning is always today". ok, its all because merciful deep of my heart (hahah) i'll share you what i made about 3months ago (hemm, seems im not ready making somethin nowadays fuhh..i post my old project.
heheh,dont worry may its verry useful thing to wear for 3days different clothes, im gonna leave you pattern of my felt project.these back and forth felt brooch, just sew it simple, patch by safety pin..here's the pattern mix with my favorite simply useful black loose (its very easy to sew ownself)

for my fave front, i pick blue owl (OvO) kukuk..kuku..

hahah. very gothic when i adore japanese lolita much.
hmm..3 city?
because we're no1 traveller
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