after a month , people call me dad..hahah, sounds like sumkind of clothing tagline, does it? hemm. yea, people people and world and universe and society from above, its hard to finally back on this site and start writing, but i wanna then my finger making it. :) after a month i leave this page, just like something left behind under my back.heheh.
this is sakura hiroshi, silly fathers of momoko sakura as chibi maruko chan i bring on the table
waw, so exciting. huhuuu but still sad, to remembering that i still leaving other member of family in the store because of the price. hemmm and still curious that the it girl..sakura momoko, cant find any store :'( but still trust, she's got her destiny with me .hemm, wait me chibiiii
still loving you dad, heheh,and for truth i tell u secretly, he really look alike my dad.sure :) cant stop smiling when my family look him and laugh above my father's pict.
oh my, maruko's dad!
dapet darimana ni?! konyol gitu action figurenya..hehe
ps: got your link from nana's blog list! :D
heheh.hello gemini ! :D im excited!
tiba2 nemu di est wktu lg jalan2, sbenernya mau beli neneknya maruko, tp masa di toko lehernya patah dong ckckck dipajang lg.hem..
tp emng lucu ya doi
tiba tiba nemu waktu abis jalan jalan setelah gw kasi tau?
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